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Fondo "Giorgio e Gabriella Nebbia" - Sezione "Energia Solare"
23.68 G.Francia, Installations pilotes pour centrales solaires, (C.O.M.P.L.E.S. Rencontre de Genes, Commsion centrale, Commissione de Conversion Thermodynamique, 20-25 mai 1968). Mirror-holder kinematic motion for pointed solar boiler. The mirror is mounted perpendicularly to the rod; this is supplied with slider and connected through a joint to a fixed support to be adjusted when assembling. The axle of the kinematic motion is parallel to the Earth's axis and rotates at a constant speed. A rod is connected to this axle and has direction Earth-Sun. The angle of this rod with the axle is adjustable when the declination varies. The three hinges form an isosceles triangle that has one side directed to sun and the other to boiler. The mirror-holder rod is parallel to the third side, but displaced to avoid interferences.

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