musil - museum of industry and labour - brescia

Programmatic Agreement

The Programmatic Agreement for the creation of the Museum of Industry and Labour “Eugenio Battisti”, signed on the 11th march of 2005 by Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Brescia, Comune di Brescia, Comune di Cedegolo, Comune di Rodendo Saiano, Comunità Montana di Valle Camonica, Università degli Studi di Brescia, ASM Brescia s.p.a., Associazione Museo dell’Industria e del Lavoro “Eugenio Battisti”, Fondazione Luigi Micheletti and Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana, is the result of a complicated procedural path and after many years of work dedicated to the establishment of the Museum’s collections (the first item was bought by Luigi Micheletti on the 5th September 1989).

Attachments [ITA]:
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