musil - museum of industry and labour - brescia


The Archives section has more than 3500 folders about some specific historical periods (the Fascism, the Second World War, the post-war period, the "economic miracle", the Seventies, etc.), as well as some specific branches like the History of Labour and Techniques, the Environmental History, the History of the protest movements, etc.

The "Notiziari della Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana" (1943-1945) fund is noteworthy: it collects police reports which were written every day by collecting information coming from the provincial commands of the Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana and sent in a confidential way to the Duce and gerarchi of the Repubblica Sociale Italiana. The Notiziari have been all digitalized and they are available online on Europeana and on, where it is also possible to search information about names of people, organizations or places through a specific internal search engine.

Funds list [ITA] »

Online items [ITA] »

Notiziari della Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana » [External website]